TIFF is now done. There were many great movies. So I thought we'd talk Bad Movies. I LOVE Bad Movies. And I have a bit of a gift for picking them. Now let me back up here for a moment. Bad Movies have a time and a place. I do not see Bad Movies at the theatre (not intentionally anyway). No no, if I'm going to spend approx $30 - 40 on a movie (ticket, popcorn and soda), then that movie better be good. Bad movies are most definitely something you rent.
Let me clarify what I mean when I say "Bad Movie". A Bad Movie is one that thinks it's good. It takes itself seriously. And yet, it is so terrible, so ridiculous, so BAD that is becomes good. And highly entertaining. A Bad Movie is also one where paying close attention to the plot is not really necessary. You can take a bathroom break during a Bad Movie and not worry about hitting the Pause button. You can talk during a Bad Movie. In fact, talking is encouraged! One of my favourite things to do is have Bad Movie night with my friends. We get some sort of take out (usually Thai or sushi). Alcohol of some kind is present (usually fun cheap champagne). An assortment of sweet snacks is always on hand (the Popcorn from Two Dishes cookbook is a must!) Combine all that with comfy lounge clothes and my uber comfy sofa and you've got yourself a fun evening. Once you press Play, the good times begin. While watching a Bad Movie, we chat a bit about our lives, talk back to the characters in the movie, or (and my personal favourite) make up our own dialogue.
If you've had a stressful/bad week (or even if you haven't) I highly recommend having yourself a bad movie night. And to get you started here are some of my favourite Bad Movie picks:
Twilight 1 + 2 - I know this may get me some haters, but these are absolutely brutal movies. But brutal in the best way possible. Watch Edward's face and tell me if doesn't look constantly constipated...
I Know Who Killed Me - this might be my all time favourite. Never heard of it? Don't be surprised. It did not make a lot of money. This is one of the movies Lindsay Lohan did after Mean Girls. Let's just say it involves pole dancing and a fake battery powered leg. Need I say more...
Disturbia - Now I like Shia LaBeouf. But this movie had us yelling at the T.V. It does have some fun suspenseful moments that made us hide in our sweat shirts, but by the end we had renamed it Stup-urbia (get it, because it was stupid)
Rosemary's Baby - Now this was a little long (over 2 hours). And not nearly as scary we had thought it was supposed to be. But... the "special effects" are hilarious (they were after all from 1968). And the story is rather ridiculous. It's a classic for a reason
Primeval - The story of a giant crocodile run a muck in Burundi. Halfway through I remember turning to my friend and saying "I'm sorta routing for the crocodile at this point!"