Sunday, August 30, 2009
So it's a little girly. It's also darn tasty!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Get them before they're gone!
Run. Don't walk. I don't know how long these will be in season. But I have a feeling their time is coming to an end. And you really don't want to miss out on them. Because they are good. Good. GOOD! These are not any ordinary cherry tomatoes. I had always thought that the taste of a cherry tomato was pretty standard. I would buy them at the grocery store, and they were slightly sweet. Then last year my eyes were opened to how good cherry tomatoes fresh on the vine are. Friends of mine had started growing a little tomato plant on the balcony of their condo. Their tomatoes were amazing! To think that I had been missing out on these. If only I could eat these little babies all the time! Well thank goodness for Whole Foods. I was browsing the produce section one weekend and saw boxes and boxes of these little tomatoes (and they were still on their vines! extra cute) I bought a huge bag of them, thinking they would last the week. I think they lasted two days. I could not stop eating them! They were like candy. I'm hooked. You can find them at Whole Foods and Harvest Wagon. But get there before I do, or you may not get any...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Happy as a clam

My Dad and I love seafood. And we love barbecuing. Earlier this month I was home for the weekend visiting the folks. We were watching this ridiculous BBQ show on the Food Network. Now normally I love love LOVE the Food Network. But this show was too much. The host cooks everything on the grill. This was not the ridiculous part. The ridiculous part was the live audience. I was certain that the audience was drunk. Or high. Or something. Because they got unbelievably excited about everything the host talked about. And I mean EVERYTHING! He would say "cilantro", and they would start nodding, smiling and repeating the ingredient "ohhhhh, cilantro..." It was hilarious. There was quite a bit of mocking from me and my parents. But during all this mocking, we noticed that one of the recipes involved cooking clams on the grill. Dad and I were intrigued and decided to give this a try!
I see a red door and I want to paint it black...
Monday, August 24, 2009
For the days when you need to hit Snooze...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Surf's Up
I have straight hair. It's thick and heavy. Sure, it's nice, but all my life I've wanted wavy hair. Hair like Gisele. Beachy hair. I would try curling it. Applying tons and tons of hairspray. This process would take forever, and the results would last about 30 minutes. If I was lucky. I had all but given up. And then I discovered Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray. It contains actual salt water. Used on damp air that is then air dryed, or dried hair thats been curled it gives the look like who've been been hanging out ocean side. I also like using it as a regular hair spray as it gives your hair amazing texture. Finally, I can have my Gisele-like beach hair, no beach required! Hang ten dudes!