Thursday, August 27, 2009

I see a red door and I want to paint it black...

Sorry Mick Jagger, but I'm afraid we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. When I see a red door, I do not want to paint it black. In fact, I want to do the opposite! When I see a black door, I'd like to paint it red! Bright fire engine RED!! For me there is nothing more classically elegant then a bright red front door. So many people choose neutral colours in an attempt to make the door blend in to the rest of the house. But I think a front door should be warm and welcoming. But as much as I love a good red door, it seems very grown up. I'm not quite ready for a red door. Which is way I LOVE this bright PINK door. I think this look is youthful, unexpected and unique.

And speaking of unique...

This little beauty is on of my favourite houses in Rosedale! The owner has been working on this display all summer. (And in case you were wondering, the mannequin is holding a fishing rod with a plastic beaver on the end). Amazingness...


  1. I LOVE the fishing lady. I always wonder what the Rosedale neighbours think about the art display ....

  2. I have a feeling that the neighbours hate it. Which kind of makes me love it even more!
