My Dad and I love seafood. And we love barbecuing. Earlier this month I was home for the weekend visiting the folks. We were watching this ridiculous BBQ show on the Food Network. Now normally I love love LOVE the Food Network. But this show was too much. The host cooks everything on the grill. This was not the ridiculous part. The ridiculous part was the live audience. I was certain that the audience was drunk. Or high. Or something. Because they got unbelievably excited about everything the host talked about. And I mean EVERYTHING! He would say "cilantro", and they would start nodding, smiling and repeating the ingredient "ohhhhh, cilantro..." It was hilarious. There was quite a bit of mocking from me and my parents. But during all this mocking, we noticed that one of the recipes involved cooking clams on the grill. Dad and I were intrigued and decided to give this a try!
So fast forward a couple of weeks and a successful trip to the St. Lawrence Market and we were ready to start grillin! Dad sat back with a beer and "supervised" while I (the family "Grill Master") started cooking. The clams were super easy. Keep the burners on a medium heat and the BBQ lid closed. Once they open, hit them with a little fresh lemon juice and fresh cracked pepper. Delicious!
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