Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can I have Soma more please?

I do not like chocolate. No. "Like" is not a strong enough word. I LOVE chocolate. Adore it. Crave it. Worship it. (You see where I'm going with this. I'm a bit of a fan...) Shops that sell only chocolate are my idea of heaven. (Just in front of stores that sell only cheese, olives, bread or wine). When I was little and my family would rent a cottage in Fenelon Falls, we'd take day trips around the Kawartha's. One of our favourite stores to visit was the Nutty Chocolatier. The strong chocolate smell as you walked in the door was intoxicating. It was IMPOSSIBLE to leave without purchasing a little (or large) treat.

The same thing happens whenever I visit Soma Chocolatemakers in the Distillery District. I tell myself "Oh, I'll just stop in for a look. See what they've got". Who's kidding who? I'm FOR SURE going to buy something. And that is exactly what happened last week. I was in the area on my lunch break getting my (gorgeous) Leif Benner ring cleaned and had some time to kill. I popped into Soma for a look. Immediately I wanted to buy everything in the store and chug their hot chocolate. But, surprisingly I managed to show some restraint. I only bought a small bag of chocolate covered coffee beans. Have you ever had chocolate covered coffee beans? Oh sweet Jesus they are good! Especially the ones at Soma. They cover Balzac coffee beans in dark Peruvian chocolate. Amazing! And so addictive. After eating some back at the office I eventually had to hide them in my drawer. I would have easily demolished the whole bag and that much coffee/chocolate/caffeine is likely not good for you. My work friend Seb and I (yes, I did share) managed to make them last for two day. I think that was quite an accomplishment!

(I would have loved to have gotten a photo of them, but they didn't last long enough... they're so good)

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