Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Don't old people use those?

For ages, anytime I've complained about sore muscles people have recommended I have a soak in Epsom salts. But until recently I didn't have a bathtub (my new apartment has one!). And for some reason I had always associated Epsom salts with old people. Maybe because old people also complain about aches and pains. Anywho, I was happy to discover that you can get scented Epsom salts. Shoppers Drug Mart Life brand makes them in citrus and lavender scents. Lovely! I've had some very relaxing soaks with these. An added bonus? Applied directly to your skin, the salt makes a fantastic and gentle scrub!

(An additional and delightful discovery I've made is that my singing voice sounds amazing in the bathtub! I sing along to a little David Gray. Some John Legend. Dave Matthews Band and Coldplay. Considering contacting these people about doing a duet. The only snag is that I'd have to bring my bathroom into the recording booth. Don't know if it would fit. And the sound engineers might find it weird. Might not be too practical. Probably best if I just continuing singing in the bathtub...)

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I didn't know they made scented varieties I will have to find some now!
