You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why... Santa Claus is coming to town!! No need to check your calendars. It's not December 24th yet. But this Sunday Santa will be making an early visit to Toronto to take part in the Santa Claus Parade! I LOVE the Santa Claus Parade. I have ever since I was a kid. I remember my Mom and Dad bundling up me and my sister, buying us hot dogs and hot chocolate while we sat on the curb watching the floats come down Yonge Street. In highschool my friends and I would take the GO train down, singing Christmas carols with the other passengers. Nowadays, I'm lucky enough to live near the start of the parade. Each year I get to see all floats lined up at the end of my street. Then me and my friends get bundled up and stand with the little kids along Bloor Street watching the parade. It's sometimes hard to tell who is more excited - us or the six year olds.
It's also a day that we get to enjoy many of our favourite seasonal treats. We get hot chocolate and Christmas sandwiches from Starbucks. Following the parade, we head home and decorate gingerbread men while watching Christmas movies. And finally, we top it all off by ordering Swiss Chalet Festive Specials! I can't wait for Santa to come to town!
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